Do you need to pay for SAT/ACT preparation? That depends on you. If you can learn from an online website then the answer is no. There are dozens of free test prep sites with actual full length practice test that can be timed or not and score your answers. You can even get explanantions for each answer - for free.
What about videos? Do you need to listen and not just read the explanations? Also free. What if you want to download a test and print it? Also free.
I could not find one difference between online paid site services and free ones. If you need in person help then hire a tutor one on one or go to a class. If you can learn online then do it for free and save hundreds or thousands of dollars!
What about videos? Do you need to listen and not just read the explanations? Also free. What if you want to download a test and print it? Also free.
I could not find one difference between online paid site services and free ones. If you need in person help then hire a tutor one on one or go to a class. If you can learn online then do it for free and save hundreds or thousands of dollars!